[ROS] 安装 USB Camera 驱动并调用
在 ROS 系统中,想要使用 USB 摄像头需要安装相应的驱动程序。这里以常用的 usb_cam 为例来说明如何安装给 ROS 安装 USB 摄像头。
Ubuntu版本:14.04 LTS
ROS版本:indigo (1.11.13)
1、进入ROS工作区(假设为~/catkin-ws),新建 usb_cam 目录,并在其下新建 src 目录:
1 2 | $ cd ~/catkin-ws/ $ mkdir -p usb_cam/src |
2、进入 src 目录,使用 git 下载 usb_cam 源码:
1 2 | $ cd usb_cam/src $ git clone https://github.com/bosch-ros-pkg/usb_cam.git |
3、退出 src 目录运行 catkin_make 并配置运行环境:
1 2 3 | $ cd .. $ catkin_make $ source ~/catkin-ws/devel/setup.bash |
1 | roscd usb_cam |
4、运行 usb_cam:
1 | rosrun usb_cam usb_cam_node |
当然这里只能看到摄像头打开并不会看到图像,如果想要看下当前的图像可以使用 image_view,因为 usb_cam 默认发布 /usb_cam/image_raw 这样的 topic,因此查看命令为:
1 | rosrun image_view image_view image:=/usb_cam/image_raw |
5、使用自定义 launch 文件设置摄像头:
usb_cam 给了我们一个默认的 launch 文件在如下目录
1 | ~/catkin-ws/usb_cam/src/usb_cam/launch/usb_cam-test.launch |
如果想要自定义一个我们自己的launch文件,我们可以复制这个文件为一个 usb_cam.launch,然后打开这个文件:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | <launch> <node name="usb_cam" pkg="usb_cam" type="usb_cam_node" output="screen" > <param name="video_device" value="/dev/video0" /> <param name="image_width" value="640" /> <param name="image_height" value="480" /> <param name="pixel_format" value="yuyv" /> <param name="camera_frame_id" value="usb_cam" /> <param name="io_method" value="mmap"/> </node> <node name="image_view" pkg="image_view" type="image_view" respawn="false" output="screen"> <remap from="image" to="/usb_cam/image_raw"/> <param name="autosize" value="true" /> </node> </launch> |
其中 /div/video0 表示是第一个摄像头,如果你有多个摄像头,可以将此改为 /div/video1 等等。想要查看当前连接设备,使用如下命令即可:
1 | ls /dev/video* |
1 | roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam.launch |
1、Error: package ‘image_view’ not found
1 | [rospack] Error: package 'image_view' not found |
表明你的 image_view 没有安装,可以执行以下命令安装即可:
1 | sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-image-view |
[1] http://wiki.ros.org/usb_cam
[2] http://answers.ros.org/question/197651/how-to-install-a-driver-like-usb_cam/
[3] 更多 ros camera 选择:http://answers.ros.org/question/9089/what-driver-should-i-use-for-my-usb-camera/
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hello,how can I solve it?
/home/tju530/catkin ws/src/usb_cam-develop/src/usb_cam.cpp: In member functionvoid usb cam::UsbCam::mjpeg2rgb(char*,int,char*,int)’:/home/tju530/catkin ws/src/usb cam-develop/src/usb_cam.cpp:503:61:
error;”avcodec send packet’was not declared in this scopedecoded_len = avcodec_send packet(avcodec_context_,&avpkt);avcod
/home/tju530/catkin ws/src/usb_cam-develop/src/usb cam.cpp:518:75: error:ec receive frane was not declared in this scopeint error code = avcodec receive frame(avcodec context, avframe camera );
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usb cam-develop/CHakeFiles/usb cam.dir/build.make:65: recipe for target “usb cam-develop/CHakeFiles/usb cam.dir/src/usb cam.cpp.o’ failedmake[2]: ##* Tusb can-develop/CHakeFiles/usb cam.dir/src/usb cam.cpp.o] Error 1CHakeFiles/Makefile2:418: recipe for target ‘usb cam-develop/CHakeFiles/usb candir/all’failedmake[1]: es [usb cam-develop/CHakeFiles/usb cam.dir/all] Error 2Makefile:143: recipe for target ‘all’ failedata[all] Error 2